All Paving and Tiling consider the Letter Box, a miniature works of architecture, as a “glorious piece of public design”, both functional and aesthetic. It makes a great feature in your front yard and will add plenty of street appeal to your home.
There is now an inexorable shift to email from the traditional letter. It is at the verge of disappearance but if not removed it will last lifetime and are virtually maintenance free. It also serves as faceplate for newspapers for modern days.
Value Added Services!
All Paving and Tiling repaint and refurbish it on a regular basis and respond directly to reports by our staff and customers about individual boxes that require urgent attention. We would keep the red paint handy at all times.
All Paving and Tiling help you retain and maintain the age old beauty and design forever infront of your yard or lawn. Nevertheless, it show that the street is special and that people care about it. It symbolize a time before public services “lost cohesive value”. Postboxes are like the old telephone boxes – are symbolic of democratic order and high standards and the same standards for public design.
Just give us a call or email or a free quote. It’s easy to build one yourself with this step-by-step guide. We’ll show you how to mix the cement and mortar, lay bricks evenly, and install the letterbox components.